
๐ŸŒŸ⭐๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ“ Try again, you all becoming this inventive minds? Money good? ๐ŸŒŸ⭐๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ“

First, you define which side of this subjects requires a Law! The Periodic Table are the Natural Law, their melting points or the boiling point will never change.

You go to North Pole, the ice freeze?

You going to any planet without the sun, you quote the Bible, or I imagine you will remember me and the Bible that time, "Let it be the light?"

Okay, give me the definition of the Compound, mixture, ...Ionic or colvant. 

The definition of One unit, a unit, a SI unit, a standard Lab procedure has to involve where the lab to be at what temperature and what pressure, you are on the sea level, your 2 meter does not count a thing compare to the Earth height to what you raise up your head, you die or something? 

You ARE DEFINITION a compound with a binding force to sit there becoming a inter-atomic structure forces. You learn that in Physics

Molecular science


Mole to define? A unit that can be measure into? The calculative points to how we conduct an experiment in a literally physical sense, you meaning that is just adding a powder format in the solution to burn on the pot and see the temperature rising without the beaker break, I am telling you.


The Formula in the modern civilization

Do you really understand what those formula means and represent? So makes it a practical sense I cannot understand how you open your mouth and VOLA.

You don't START at PROTON!!!! You start at ATOM!!!!

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