
The Taiwan one singing Karake, I told you....to go, it was there are a computer interface doing THAT. Its a little bit different design, you mean.....welll, I tell you what I understand, there are codes. You have to get these codes from the ....Pavilliion.

The China advertise suppose to be a robotic kitchen. Do you know what that means?

You are the only human exists there !

I think....these Asian girl looking at the Middleton, is she in it? Might be, because England advertise her. Not sure.....something about the money, they use pound or something.

Look .... the actual sensation you looking at the video its about how she feeling at it. Those are inviting the journalists to it. It is not the guest situation, so I am not sure whom this she is from....which subject department.



From my side, it looks ...a bit different than these shows though.

Because she ordered menu ....maybe its a human kitchen too.  There might be not just the main stream you say the Food Network those human. I think there are Youtuber parts, including that Ryoya. I just don't know which country's domain I am looking at whom's pavillion.

They....are not necessarily looking the same.

There is something about all these safety measurement places. Its TOO big, whichever design, sometimes that one person will be lost in her own head, sitting there, don't know what to do. Might be just the time slot issues. Or....the procedure if you taken these challenges to the final round, one of those might be. 

There might be steps.

Youtuber entry, right....that, I don't know how they seeing it, it will be A LOT.

She hides, or that is.....just they have no one to talk to. Most are the girls.

It might be like .....13:59



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