
Stephen Tamang - turn turn turn turn turn.....keep turning.....

Which shoulder joint?  the ending points? My peripheral its left light spot light on.

I am dizzing my head, stop. 

I have to go to lunch...this is what I will say, to whichever your legal world, those human might help your own karma, its you all Smallville, separate each other, from wifes to husband, to kids.... ALL.

You are not going to put a fire inside a house, or...whatever that is anything fire on it, the Physical fire. You can ask the court doing all that, seeing if there is a help, but techcnially, its just average human world, every household, having someone not home, not collect themselves on the jobs, and that fire started. You are being warn, not you are being told to do what things stop aggrevating each other whichever color side.

You don't sleep well

You don't eat well

You regret every part of your choice.

You imagine things than the world someone telling you.

Find a way, to separate each other course, you cannot bear another person die in front of you, whichever age that is included. See if how long time you can last, getting enough the parents attention then leave. 

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