
Sometimes you have to work a lot, so you don't need a relationship in your life, okay?!

Unless this world turn to those...everyone has a paycheck. I think you better just focus on your jobs, to accumulate the right things towards the end. A lot of these things what the internet say or what, unless you become so super wealthy, really can afford a house, a property tax for the next 50 years in your own calculation and retired with some money, to per monthly, all utility, all money going out often situation, those math will always be rigid, no matter what. 

And sometimes in life, let's say, someone you yield to that lower down your own head, its better for you. You create a brand new life somewhere else. You wish them well. 

A lot of the end stories are not what you think, you should not believe anything other than just asking the police straight. They will be decent telling you, all these too perfect to be true looking stories, all having a stake behind. 

Technically you don't get jealous to anyone, that attitude its bad on your part

But then, you don't really have an IQ to be sympathetic to other people, so why the police telling you anyway?

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