
SMTV has a evening those charity event, for some of the representative SMTV team workers go on stage to represent her, or something in money, or in speech.

We Taiwan, that Obama's wife, Michelle? I heard she uses Taiwan designer, to be honest, we have nothing but the wedding store here. Right at that Wing Spa, the police station right across, next by Prince William those human Hallo Kitty, second floor.

You can just rent a gown one evening. No need to find a custom designer, why don't I design that myself? Nobel Prize how much money is in it? You know? Its my entire books when able to finish, and becoming a what???? Their 1901 starting Hall of Fame photo frame shoots on Victoria Secret, like Pompyo they doing or??? That history was a fake too? 

Can you read your own history that matter to American? I know the Chinese history, not necessarily I know how significant to you what was your background story? I know the facts, I can repeat to you....yeah!

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