
Public stand means......your paper works belongs to the physical universe that requires a mouth opens job....only. You mix up the Nobility or the High discipline society under what telepathy meant....

In the public trial, you stand, you witness, you provide evidence to the Judge or Jury to process all those paper works, meaning you are capable to defense yourself what you had done, and that jury will listen, and do a final paper works, or orally telling you, you thoughts were lies, or you got lied to...one of those things you say you are, you say you weren't. 

In the telepathy worlds, to...you probably forever fallen, not just 500 darkness what is a Sunlights staining a water acid tale to become a goblin, human body??? He yet to becoming??? He will ever become, that?

Whatever....One Lords One rings rule all....

What you believing in it, I am telling you, your talking skills its not your brain structure, how the emotional attachment to the color, to the man, to the girls, to the money, to the power....in the democracy worlds, you are given the same right as everyone, telling me where you been that 500 what Wheel you fallen darkness? On your Master's stain faces?

Most criminal people are not clear in their mind, you imagine this, you imagine you were told, but you got lied to. You thought you were, you thought that is....truly. That is how degenerate your brain yourself you cannot see how far you have fallen.

In the true nobility world, where thoughts are serene. No liking, no disliking....there is nothing to talk about, so will not a word coming out of the mouth sounds. Telepathy does not require a mouth jobs....you can just type me a statement, I can literally seeing it, hearing it, knowing it what you mean was exactly coherent to your brain structure, that is not messy, that is not disorganize, to that square and line, and rectangle, you know exactly how the organization supposes to lay in front of you.

You are trying to reason something you taken your personal gain.

I am telling you, its none.

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