
Parker? They had two kids too?

oh I see, that would be the future drama. 

That is the E? draw a circle under the sunlight? Not C, would becoming a copywrite....

I wonder if the TV was telling me the jokes. 

The Art curator? uh ....so, its everything looks as bad as it gets. 

So in America, no English language, those are step-sister and brother means? Your father's step kids...oh ! So the Cinderalla always been the step father were the maid, and the original kids are the naughty co-conspire. But the mother die. 

That is the same song in Ella Enchanted?


Have we met? @ @

How they bear each other....
At all ...

That is a rock band, or "She is All That"? 

I see what it means now, meaning she staying home with the kids, and writing up his style of all those books, whichever counts the in-house wife, to make a living? 

That is what she capable of?


Where are my birds? 


When ...uh, SMCH was Cinderalla, she was exile, as the Spice girl, which is Simon side, of....those MTV video says. She got married long long time ago, if that was a spectacular? I don't actually know.

Long long long time ago....she is kinds of like that Square. If she keeps her hair black dye, she will be just see, talked, acted on that microphone behinds, its just like that Square.

Purna, long time ago...like Anan, long long time ago, they had a past.

Including that King of King's Purna. That one day, he becomes a she, name Purna. When she was a he time, he delicate his time to God, to that highest mountain....jumping, fog leaping, all you ever performing your great faith, to all that mouth jobs on Spirituality or the Buddhism.

Someone used to had a past.

That past one day, led himself to become a Purna.

Then her growing up was a bad things, no matter how that shape her. One day she just like that Sailor Moon probably one of those things she doesn't remember, the play time of a Story of another story....like a treasure hunt of the temple lessons. You can never be just a kid, won't you?

One event led to another event, she wants to fight out the eldest wond.

Again...one event led to another event, she becomes determined in her eyes sight, what that Ancient Chasez comic book telling you about a girl, that has a black short hair on a journey with a sword.

The cruelty how it all happened, one day, she becomes acqutainted to the Street Culture. Meaning alphabets langauge, no more nobility. You know cursing words?

She becomes cruel more cruel, an arm on the ground of the furthest corner, as if someone will find out every thread mill, to that step find her find her find her back to the Temple.

To that every story to carve you ....a Future, led to her big Wedding day. It was exile.

If this girl cut her hair off....

The Witch? Her used to be Late husband, long long long time ago...well might be beard?? Its not clear to my peripheral.  He oversees the 10.

okay.... (I am watching at the mean time)

She....this Purna no matter what she does this one lifetime, all that glory she brought upon herself to say.....all that Past gone to preaching, probably all will be deleted to zero. Meaning she thinks she carried a God's works, including all the meditation hours, all that torment sleeping not sleeping meditation seat on the cold floor, they used to use tent. 

She is jailed or soft jailed, one of those....

Well, everyone has a life to live on 60-80 years age rank. What please it to you.

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