
On my news, its most time all the criminal charges are on the guys. One day I seen a Judge on the Facebook to ....a girl. Spanish girl very bad attitude.

You girls right now are on the front page, if you just carry a 4 stove, a caring fake conversation, a more low head lean to the guys, yes man, no man....that kinds of bow, kneel, flat.

The guys will not do anything with you, but being friends, he or you can be happy all by yourself without me. That facebook of yours.

You cannot talk to the guys

You are not willing to talk low to the guys

You don't carry a vocabulary in English, to initiate a conversation to the guys, the guys already slam door. 

You have some kinds of the curses words, bad demeaver, or some kinds of flip out in front of me, not to say you parents, or the other guys....

I never say Sex, I say be open about it, like you know the medical meant the body, the holding hands or the public display, etc etc....4 Stove cooking, or don't bothered, just leave and buying your own food. 

Many guys are junks, I can see it on the TV, okay? You didn't have to be together with guys, you can just be friends and report that guys, how is that?

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