
Now, what can I do for both you prince, or 3 princes, still?

Your happiness moment its your Nazi outfits together buddy that dancing Monkey to the Queen walkway entrance, how to bind together on the acid dropping to the human faces. That is your perfect worlds you go to your college that dorm you living in on the photo, one person one room luxury. Not your cousins relatives.....those you sure they have the money, or they ready you ready to fallen all together, staying each other, with some other gf? You mind your own gf issues? 

To the American Data System will tell you, that is called the Capitalism. The System data only gives the tolerance "in case", meaning as long as I see 2 human, Karen they all seeing 1000 human, they cannot handle all that facebook, those are the problems.

If I Anna reverse that to their consequences, like with nick, I go seeing 1000 human, then that System data will be occuring more to that final destination, understand? 

My practical living only has 2 human, that does not spell you what the system meant, are you happy or not? I would prefer the younger kids too, but nick has certain quality. He does, just not the helping on my finance, and while doing a lot of works, I will feel he taken more advantage as you all girls could do what with the guys in the real life, but he is a handicap, officially, not just I imagine he is. 

He has probably more problems than that including my mother. 

System only gives you a data yielding, that as long as people are implanted to where you could handling seeing too many faces as you can back up your education, which mostly don't in the end, there are things people do after that.

The system after you graduate, most people just so surely assure, they know what it is their interest or the future after that 4 years college, that is a false.

Often, they will all end up in jail if they are not careful. And many cases are inside the jail. Once you are jailed, your whole life are ruined. 

With the Digital Era blooming, that might be saying 2000 as the moment...Vola.

The opportunities are start bloomson, so that online statues, can be found in the Yahoo, Google, or Facebook it will be...I see might be 2004. 

That on-going, I started in 2007. Eben was a public speakers, but he turn to the online this area, he puts out some materials as I told you, he is gaining that authoritative voice in that niches. Before Eben coming out as the public speakers, there is not really a digital things yet.

That statues I give that pushing back to 2012.

Your Youtuber starting at 2015??? I just got back, all this Taiwan Youtubers?

That statues pushing back can be as far as 2015, not all the country are glueing on the correct forms to filling it yet.


Every world the security people, including the hiring company, that be the in-line (inside the country flag land), private company, small company. Their security are not the World police station security, just meant do what you like. If your facebook statues are those charity Vartan, NSYNC, or those unlimited Hollywood, you could just get rid of all. Not a real invitation, not the real seeing faces, just hallo goodbye, I never say things so sternly follow.

But what you all kids cares to do, you imagine things outside the University life, I say false. 

You suppose to define that life you can handle, including the things means to you the most, that will be your parents the most important people. Your sibling if fallen out of the education, to the humanity reasons, sometimes you should care about it, but if as messy as that one Tina Jojo issues, you rely on the worlds police station, and you just keep file-ing, for her dad might be just the reason like her.

Your parents don't need to fallen out of the Digital Era, you can educate them, you can make them do the business they like, they making enough money, so you making your money at the same time. That is what the most people can gear to do, you might just say your parents IQ are at zero. 

I probably meant more of the humanity what you ought to be sympathize things. Let's say between me and nick were a mistake, I still have that nightmare how I drive, i will tell you when my ability are highten...I am....its a nightmare. But that profile will only has him one person, the rest human I never in contact. 

If I am happy or not, yeah, I will tell you the girls ought to do what the TV does, but they are the ones don't care about God, remember? There is a Paganism next by. I am not happy at all with Nick. His voice hurting me, every time he opens his mouth in the end. His house he put stuffs in, hurt my brain as long as I walking in. Might be that electric things on the door?

I cannot stretch a future at all for practically nothing related to my future, any youth in the fields are learning the future, those schematic garbage to do with the psychology, I meant hell eternal, you didn't hear, did you?

People love games, love fake, love false....but he is a handicap. Like that Snow White things says. I just don't know what is the official records data.

I will be file-ing something in between, that would be...Zawanna those human in life, they are too perfect on their face muscles guys, too flare of those European, never deliver a sentient beings, how you see the recent commerical movie, its on the TV right now. Its a kid, she did what, and her parents has to adjust her behavior.

That will be your per assignment how to deliver that one sentient beings, as your future evolution out to be....opt-put that requirement. To this world, no. That will be the medical board they suppose to do. But when that 6+1 situation, I already told nick, we are the bait, and they are shameless doing its, it might be the Medical Boards are figuring out, that socialism welare, they ensure not everyone ending on the street.

I have the Taiwan, this world, when I was born, we don't have that package. Like something the government to give you some money as you paying at it right now. That package does not exist, so as I going to the school, and after, it becomes very very daunting you must finding a way, and that affects me greatly with nick. He has a pension, and his attitudes its....every 2 sentence, he hurts me with the language he says. He does. He verbal abused me a lot, not a lighter things he ever said, he meant I taken him a ride or something. 

You all don't have a humanity, not really. How ending will come to end, you will find out when you are dead.

I do not need to know, to hear, to care, to see.....to that will be the best of all scenario, eternal.

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