
Material Science, or you meant you want to invent a periodic table? Aren't you glad it is me this kinds of background to become that wiki, not 1869? Whom is him again?

Well, you practically don't appreciate anything I telling you, right now, you going around this Matrix world, and you feeling your classmate, your facebook people are a dummy? Anyone...you would never teach them a thing, and I have to bear with my patience, what happened to you the last 20, 10, 5 years ago?

Periodic Table

The definition of the atom, not element? How do you describe a movie say? Accent?

The atom has a shell, that is enclosure of Proton and Neutron. To that given a definition of the exterior "electron", in the degree of 2, 8, .....base upon that sequence of the periodic table you counting from Helium abbreviation as He.

That are the only 2 anomaly on the Top. 

Got it?

( I just sitting here pretty and opening my mouth, I am telling you.)

If you don't even know what is your own major

If you don't even know the basic rule

How am I suppose to answer one of those Russian imagine my book be published? You suppose to think one thousand step, not just, that is the way it is? When you publishing a book, your will be at the microphone to answer everyone on that end. Including my background.

Do you want to ask me right now, in case you becoming a next planet, which planet of your monopoly to a brand new periodic table...You feeling stress out, you forgotton your every book written material about 20 years ago, the college life happens to be drunk and drive DMV? So the book cannot be open, you depress, by the time it can be published, you are too stressful? Do you want to asking me your legal statues how to...keep the money, keep the face, keep the stress behind, in case you finding a face card to becoming the microphone?

"I cannot speak a proper English included, for....uh, I think there might be some other planet language does not use the numerology, like Chinese symbol."

We use ㄅㄆ ㄇ ㄈ, not numerology. Idiot !

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