
"Line App Groups have this 999 message per day, like I processing this commodity junks on Hallo Kitty, Like Brian its one of those UB Science guys....he will know what the sailor moon its, if you sent him?"

"The Asian domain of this Facebook APP, or Line APP, its where the GPS sells never drop its statues, you know what I found today, its all these plastic things sound like a small tiny worlds like our gathering device, its called the Smart Life or Smart Gadgets, its one of those China cleaning house maid jobs, if we ever get married."

"You know that A day in life, human whichever gerne they say they were, they were saying the next jobs marketing in the next 5 years growth, one of that is the medical workers. I think its that Russian girl from Silicon Valley, should we tell Anna? Her ears wide and open, but she cannot hear a sound if we don't tell her? "

"There is a market growth today on a newspaper on my block where UB advertise junks next by, you know UB still have those rackets to where the outside putting junks in? Its not the UB spectrum, you tell Silas, or I tell Anna?"

"I always wonder why that Weather channel, on my PC, meant we are too hot to die, the extreme heat, they label a danger means if you go outside, we are south of Taiwan....is that an App or what, can I take it off? They have some news on the top of that next by saying, you know what i read today or everyday, if I print them off, you want to exchange everyone's reading?"

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