
Let me tell you the layman me persepctive to that EU, what news ever leak to my ears, there is a Hungary, you living in the trailer, how those wonderous moments, you flip 3 times magainze inside your hotel, to Austria, you run to Vegan Hotel, you buy there....

Your main Asharam are St Martin, in Menton, south of Nice. Maroco. Albert II doesn't know how small tiny his land supposes to be. 

You have a loving hut there on TV.

Now, you went to Italian, VET for your animal welfare, or that walking traffic light, so small tiny, everyone let you through....you walking between 2 lanes traffic road you mean. The Italian police show up, finding you 60,000 cash Euro, and what speicies of your birds cages one after another.....

Just like that Florida land mass you trying to make an island with the dirty truck load, your french pen name would be??? so Rich Wealthy lady incline, that center Nick went, finding your MC Debbie there. 


Now, your entire EU no border line, you have driver keep running on your karma none stop...its every tale you say, you land, you make the money becomes the cash or the plastic cards, I land in Europe also, they stamp on my passport. 

Your main quarter suppose to be Francais, or German husband, you learn to speak French, the UN 5 country, beside Russia its one language too difficult at wars.

How do you run from England from home, to land in German, how many home, including the you housekeeping at? German? 

And you will be speaking French after Taiwan grace? But they land at Albert II, married to a Cinderella? You had one entire lecture in French. You are fluent at it, imagine what you say in Spain, green white tent....you suppose to kneel or what? 

You travel living in that EU none stop, where the money stopping low, your charitable past and present never stop running at the human hearts.....

Your introduction of every kinds, its not the little shorty black hair nurse expired the liscense or jailed, but you are a "humanritarian." Like I said, your EU passport, you are on landing visa to England or the statues as the refugee....blonde hair, female inmate jail records from Taiwan, you surely feel breathing space none stop, one EU.

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