
Let me guess, you doing might be bio-science, whichever science that supposes to be. Lee he is a bio chem, the last time I check....a while ago.

What most people taken the bio chem, including Jonathon Kent, or Clark Kent 205 + 1 guy.

Me and Ola Bio chem 403....to end up that Bazzar Magazine....with the professor.

Its is that, they are seeking or finding or identifying a bio pathway. Lee bio chem has nothing to do with that what I was doing the molecular biology nor the chromosome lab. How funny, that was the downtown buffalo diagnosis lab.

You are doing what bio science?

Meaning my area are heavily emphasize on the DNA, that is the genetics in the molecular biology, or Chromosome are the DNA itself, how many times I can keep saying that. 

That is not my hint enough? Do you want to read your own dogma again and again, what is a bio pathway? The mechanism you memorize must be in all the bio science studies. 

Try AGAIN?!!!!!!



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