
In America, where you have many skill workers categories how they immigrant to America. Meaning isn't this your country foster the technology or knowledge increase, or improvement of the public hygiene, or public health, material wealth, eco-friendly all those talk? Meaning the govenmental has funding, or grant....one of those you provide your service talk.

Sometimes, those blending to the politics, so you go through the lobbyist. 

A periodic table chart are soley that Educational Department under the Congress oversees, at least you sending your book to the Library Congress, to know what you up to?

A Home Recipe book? Photos illustration? Square she takes photo.

A Self diary book - your women talk between you and your mother (Girlmore girls Jz saying that)

A hobby book - the public if they like, you will have your resource to do what you love to do. You have to define that interests. I just happened don't have anymore interests if my life keep hanging dead on the TV screen to when they let me down....

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