
I will tell you, why I hate everything on the American side....these called pile wood....human race living in the home depot. I used to live by Home Depot.

I didn't have a choice when I was in America. When I growing up here, or somewhere, those first floor you go around the neighborhood, if that is not matress living, its the wedding dress living, or the interior design living, including you poke your head to the Harvard Dentist Shandolia living....the ceiling lights. 

We have a particular ceiling lights, multi-functional, when I was young. Still there I don't know, below my house right now.

The lights

The tiles

The sofa Street

The certain design....Japan its not too far away from us.

I am telling you, I used to have zero choice, now for sure all this Movie, I will tell that the Court human on the wall hang, "Say it". I need my material design things too look everything but American, so its the food, I hate all the stuffs you package snack, or prezel airport including peanuts.

I have no food, so I lean on the American these any food I put in my mouth, now, I remember I was youth, its everything but food putting into my mouth, at all. I was too spoiled.

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