
I can suggest you one thing you can do. It will be the England Kitchen they go to the King, if you come out something real.

I think the world meant its the food taste, not the creativity on look. But the TV format looks like as long as you just need to cook it right.

People always think the cooking its....low. I say 4 Stoves have some merits for saying that. In this world, you don't have a lot of options if my works has to stay still...what you gonna do? Die on the Street? I don't actually know what is the proper road they say you ought to be doing after University, I would say like they say try everything.

My situation its my reading, and validate facts I can see, hear, know...from my simple brain, I will tell you...if the court asking me why I transpassing that System, I will tell you I didn't know there is a System, and the last thing on Earth to my entire life it will never be the Entertainment world or Tina Jojo everyone die on the street for everything she made of.

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