
Did I ever tell you, becasue of these....liquid things, what you saying the soup, my mother making from the outside soup, she probably adding some water. I have to double dilute, with my distilled water?

Do you know you eating very very very heavy taste and salty things? 

I will tell you 台灣珍珠奶茶 Taiwan Bubble Milk tea, I did....because you all doing this below my houses, to that Taipei Train station human upper committee, I went to get the full sugar tea, Thai style, they use those smaller pearl tea. 

So one day, becomes half sugar

One day becoming 2 out of 10 sugar.

One day I don't bother having it anymore tea..... 


Do you know, you using it right way.....you don't need a lot, the natural can smell you?! 

Meaning its for the TV purpose, you use for a long making food process, not a lot of butter, small tiny portion for that ingredient to blend in?! 

Same with the salt, washing, and cleaning, you wash them away when you doing the eggplant. There are a reason using the salt? The Salt application?

Sugar, oh my God. My jar might be throwing them all out by next year. I don't cook anymore. It was not for the soup, then was soup, then one day my mother continue her cooking no salt no sugar, I leave those jar there, never touched it.

Cooking egg toast - French?


7/28 Thumbnail trailer

Sakura Cards


That one first sandwich, if I eat one that, the very beginning, for 2 months or 3 months, I live on soup. The weight will not coming down.

I am very scared if someone have to asking me to going outside to eat. For VERY VERY SERIOUS reason. These food are so FAT and expensive !

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