
Back to the girls talk in UB. To that your parents, and all envrionment around you....because all the System are Data, not humane ...its you do what you want. Its how you claim beocming the only claim.

Your parents need to be more near you, than the God, for any reason that sounds right to you. They had cared you all your life. As the girls as you are, those girls in those stories also not a thing to you neither, for your eyes sights are somewhere else.

Now, in this world, some teaching might just never speak it again....But sometimes, how you keep a relationship harmonious to that your parents, your sibling, your friends, you all those around, how you implant the confidents to whom you are, what you really talk out as you are.....those things are very personal by that subjective term.

No one says the karmic draw to your own insecurity, it means, you just meant everyone goes to hell. Those kinds of attitude, you will not arrive anywhere, for your eyes I already say, set for another motion of a Bright New Prey life somewhere else....you know your life, you know you love, you know what you aiming at, the guys, the friends, the facebook.

Try to be the person you suppose to. Not trying to be clever for every selfishness means.

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