
A book, a memoir....well your hiring self publishing agency, will register for you maid to Library Congress an ISBN number. "What can I do for you?" - the librarian does all that.

National Archive, Riley's Jem and Jelly to Nikiolas (National Treasure 1)  its where the Archivist desk human at, they archive Princess Diana in the UB library basement. We have those collection, not in Capen, but it is in one of the library. They moving things....

Not every librarian just go and decide they becoming the archivist, like I myself, didn't do those things to become an Archivist.

However, if you want to know more about the self publishing, you can go to Haye House, they help those Dr. Steven Hairfield and Gregg Braden, those public speakers' books.

Eben and Craig also have their own book, you can call them up.

Nick, he also had a book, how amazing ending up in the CEO Space.

Even Vietanese little nun has several books she sign the autobiography at those COPS 16, like a pro, she knew what she sitting in the sit with a head phone on ...and for?! 

The Textbook, none of you will EVER EVER FOREVER touch it in this one life time of yours. Usually the PhD does those textbook writing, including the medical textbook, those are not the regular college book store. Those are only selling at the medical campus, the medical south campus UB bookstore. Papa John next by.

My coughing came back.  What day is today? oh !!~~~~

Those were bad time, 2013-2020. US-UK alliance, you didn't back up me anything, why don't you say, you owing me a load of stuffs from UK too comfy palace life?

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