
Your life forces its dying without hate, remember? hating has to be so deep so deep so deep cut....so you are propelling to get up....and dream, how to becoming....!!!

If you dying and exit, there is no more show, no more games. How much you want that attention, its as long as you insist the money or the customer must drop on you...Drop on you...Drop on you.....Ricky Martain.

Do you see Lalla's sister? That is EVERY girl on the planets, not their way, high way.

Its the dying the immorality, no more life forces, no more driven...a piece of dead meat.

See how vibrant life could ever becoming....the games just starting gettng more thriller to no more see the blood, you will not be happy, that is a green light on.

Got it? Disease soon will realize, how the age becoming that confidence, its not the short of attention or the money issues, its how each one of you, pining on rubbing each other throats as the girls, not together, to fighting against your common enemy the guys....you see, you are all separate for a money reason to drop on you. 

You just bet on it...its not on Tina Jo jo....

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