
You want to use TV to make a meaning of your life, there is no meaning on the TV, other than what you exactly are.

IQ at zero.

The more I am telling you the things one to one zillion, the further away the guys just got convinced all by themselves to stay away from you eternity....They might already got the Pinterest account seeing...the magic high tech themselves, everyone its busy on their own PC.

What is the things about this Lips sticks?

Like you kissing the guy in the car? Zawanna those University Garden Gate ? oh ` Its a strawberry flavor? Me and Lee would have know that better....those things, sorry. Jonas would have know that better...those things are not meant to going inside the lips.

And what is the things about Mc Donald and Hot Dog? 

Hot Dog like Lee's festival, like carnival? We don't have a hot dog there....Hot dog, where they sell hot dogs. 

Are you using make-up? You are the plain girls on faces humility running deeps? 

All this cheese, or fried chicken, you should be using it? Do I know? Modern day 20 years later there is a concealer, I actually learn that words. No more foundation? Which one supposed to be purchase in the latest trendy? I thought I use the foundation for my eye brow to paint it, and eye shadow all this eye lining....everywhere else too expensive all this thing, you use the full botlle like what? 3 weeks?

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