
You vow you never change your dignity things, okay? There is an eternity in it....somewhere those clause of lines. In this one Earth, you have a choice, that is to be as liberating psycho women, shouting loud and Hippi, the guys never be with you, but you findiing your own niches, and surivive in the world where others guiding you.

Do you want to imagine, if you could have your own business, your own happy world, whichever that money flows, you want to be with the guys now, or just win that situation now, everyone buttom up, let's fallen together? There is no future of every friday things you all do. On the money sign. 

Do you ever hold hands in hands without another girls, ever in your life?

I never did. Not once. 

Its gross, very very very bad feeling to me. I cannot take it. You might just kill me, but never let a girls hand touching my hands, holding it together. My entire high school girls 3000 girls, I think they all doing that.

Does that comfer you that kinds of life? Think about it, and change your life. If you don't do things you like, you won't last. Never eternity in it. 

The court can just find out what are the Lords things in your life, and dissolve that, if you think that is the hell means. This world they willing doing anything as long as you just open your mouth saying what exactly driven you motivation to live a higher standard of life. Happy to see that person, willing to be with that person. Happy making the money together to hold that life together, cooking together, sleeping next by together, Shower, bathing sharing room together.

Sometimes the TV airs a public announcing story, but you nourish that story til one points, you finding out if that really working it out or not. Are you taken that routes, with the girls or any other guys in mind? You mean you working on that dignity things? Do your brain has any IQ inside functioning at all ?

You hate that guy, and you want to be with a guy in the what story? The money story, or the liking that guys story, so you could have a hobby together, a leisure outing the picnic together, can you stand that one guy's face next by your eternity of it?

Its my IQ at zero all this time, I don't know what I am talking about. I am asking you the highest joy things when was that??? The Legal Court = God, they dissolve everything to make you only happy with your only decision, whichever thinking through!!!!

Got it? Like happy to just holding hands and kissing, even the girls you can take that.

Or just friendship together for now. You get jealous if your best friends get married?

So? Bride War, do you see that? You want to ruin that?????

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