
You see, these entire entertainment face cards, I think they read from telecom, one of those.....including high school, where I become the University students and then becoming the Master degree, to every weather 2 people sitting in front of a journalism conference, like you imagine the fame.

I don't know whom I will be partner at, to each one of the guys, sittiing next by must be like a shame.

The journalists people below are talking, you want Silas talking, we make a game, no one knows whom he is?  The UB spectrum editor? 

You freeze behind that microphone you look at the guys.

Its a long table, the table cloth, the flashing camera, cannot stop I CANNOT SEE. There is a microphone, start talking? 

You know what those face cards sounds just like you two cents feel like you gone to the knowledge of the Roof, where I been to last 9 years, to how that will really show up the words to sounds different no matter what image output through the camera?


"There is a conference today, I was not told. Can you repeat your question again, with your name tag, I cannot see that far? I cannot wear the contact lens, will that begin an initial sign?" 


"The high school musical its not a show, its a musical.  Its not just amusing, its a theater play, meaning we are the drama school. I sit to play drama. What is your question to sound right to my statement? backward reading it? or you want to hand me that piece of paper, I cannot hear a word you say? "

 "The eye sight filled up the tears, its when you or me, writing these beginning to the last pages of the newspaper, today we are using the digital tablets.....I am a happening a librarian science informatics graduate students, meaning graduated. Its a format, its a formatting, there are an array or column or rows to where to which a magic finger tip will make it happen to sound like a Glass of a day  the new technology on the Internet, have you watching it? My eyes didn't fill up the tears, and these devices tablets didn't fill up my Big face. " 

"I try to sound like a high school, I trying to sound like the drama school, I try to explain to you, we are supposed to be the partnership, its him and me partner to this drama, not you and I debating on how to interwine its him goes first, or I go last. You want to microphone on him first? "

"The critical thinking its when my IQ drop for a few degree, which of this question you asking me are related to....whichever you are saying it, the words, Frozen? The context of it, or the underline of it, whichever your reading your notes, highlighter? Eben has one of those.....Its the detergent doing that, not your marker doing that, pen? Its free, next time you will bring one pen at least extra? "

"This scripts is evolving on a beginning story, how to give up a science club? Can you imagine you give up my memory, I cannot even read my own scripts? It was the basketball senior versity tournament, right? The two people put it together, so you are seeing two of us being align right here in front of you to which the re-formatinig of the story, its two pairs in the ending. You see any extra human sound like these conversation has a period?  "

You know, these conversation doesn't even require a brain.....its just a bunch of video called scripts like I seeing like hundred time none stop these video clip, exactly the same thing. When you really putting up a Science Conference Center, of the real pressure suppose to be, like the mushroom professor, or those Dr. Bing Shen...one of all those Russia, Chinese to put up a Cell theory on a dogma....how we all end up dead or jailed in the end of that one conference room, we are not sure.....BTX! 

You doing something real in life, to that tolerance of English you speaking in your first or the second language, there are delivering some quality content so that this ET doesn't looks so bad at it...you know what I mean? You keep taken it, ET are everyone's enemy. It doesn't have to be that way....whichever the calling is. 

You work enough professions, you will have to deliver that linguistic skills, you know what you are saying, seeing, knowing, responding. It becomes like a habit. You know what you are doing. 


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