
You mean if you sing, your jaw, 就是如果你們唱歌的下巴?

In Chinese, not just in Singing.....well, my photo. Normally in Chinese Superstitious, they prefer you have a round face. Some kinds of outskirts of your face jaw lines supposed to be more rounds. You look at the hospital Taipei MD, most of the jaws are round. Maybe they fat?

在中國不只是唱歌....通常,但是我的照片。通常在中國迷信界裡面,他們希望有圓的臉吧 ? 就是你們下巴的輪廓整個外面的一條線,就是比較圓?你們見過台北醫院的醫生嗎 ? 他們好像都是圓的臉,可能是肥...

Probably you mean the singing category in Classic? or in Madrical? A lot of the Pop culture, no. But in the classic world, there are round faces. You want to plastic your face to sing?

你們可能是說傳統音樂界? 叫做什麼中文的古典? 還是美國的 Madrical? 有很多流行音,不是,但是在古典聲樂,是! 有圓的臉,你們是想作臉?

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