
You know what that Sariputra drama says? You taken its.....he is the freshman beginner? Like the TV says? You read it? So as a girl, he meant, A B C D E F G....

And you understand what that is? What does him Sariputra lazy human wants? 

1. He supposes to living home.

2. He supposes to play his favorite PC games.

Are you sure the guys don't care about the human virtue.

1. A 4 Stove cooking skills with a hygenic, you never lazy.

2 A proper idea of the professional skills to compete in the real jobs market.

3. Be nice with the guys, in words, in thoughts, in you not too lazy body shape, if this COVID 19 keep going on and on, and you really put 3 meals inside your mouth and swallowing per day, that is 10 months pass, I got surgical, I lazy a bit...

4. Are you sure the guys meant you were with a guy, you are not with a right relationship, how it ended? And where it ended to? 

5. Are you sure all the guys are nice, and responsible, and what you ought to be doing? You swapping guys always on look out? Then why you be with him, and goes as far as...saying a vow? 

6. You can just never say a vow, and care that guy,...money will never be enough, the way how you all spending at.

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