
You have find out what the guys bothering you one to one zillion, okay? Not keep going on this someone dead in front of my door, or my monitor, or debts on all you faces, episode 1 , 2 and 3....

There are different stories being written. 

You say you jealous the guy, for what.

You are not perfect inside outside, so things do bothering you, and you keep pressing that yourself, you feel breathing like leaving the guy for how many days. You are not necessarily saying functioning on the mind, but around you, you feeling????

No more those ingredient that bothering you.

You want to win, you want to revenge, your subconscious mind want everything bad to everybody. You do not wish anyone well.

Thoroughly introspect. Say it loud to the court. 


If I have to raise a guy, I just have to make it to raise a guy. There are the English subtitle.

Economic is very important, he says.

"Can I see the high school classmate through your phone App?"

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