
What is this book you like about? You like that one guy, name 鬼宿? Seriously?

oh ~ No, I am asking. Maybe people do like the comic book no matter what age that pass...I never read the comic books. I saw the TV cartoon when they air on the Cable. That's it. Those time were more like Kenshin Himura and Disney Channel. 

So, you like the romance, of that martial guy, saving the girl, that one guy?

In Chinese, there is a saying 英雄救美 Meaning the Hero saving the Beauty....There is a Chinese Ancient those plot in words saying....so its the romance? 

So Sailor moon would be....Dennis? You never met Dennis? Far away photo....he looks like that guy with the Eye glasses.

You decide no more line or dots drawing formats? 

How sad....

Many guys have a different plan or package to view that life in front of them. Right now the world changes to that they can just search the advice online, and they plan all things out in front of them. I found out, that is probably a lot of guys doing that. I never grow up having an IQ, or else I would never end up here....drowsy still.


You are not saying now, you like the guys that are jump, flip, bounce? 💖💞💖💞

By the comic books merits??? oh dear. So that would be Karen's husband, the Tai Kun Tao. Okay, let me drawing that....I met Tamang the same time, they getting together. Correct. 

He is like a comet, keep passing it by....Ola, and Karen.

Adam and Laura...is there something about the bf and your best friend, you get rid of the best friend. Yeah. The guy probably all meant that.

You keep the best friends, and your dad.

Well....This is the first train, they saying 16 lifes trains....no matter when you started its fine with me. I say you get rid of your dad, and your best friends. The girls don't last their life inside their eyes....not really. That vitality dying very very quickly. They don't last long. 

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