
What is this 105 days to the exam dates, from the beginning, Math...?


Is Dean on your facebook, Wing?

Those things I never check. No, he is not my brother, the Ice Skating Comic books? No, we are not related. No I am not the princess. He cannot read the Chinese, so I am not sure if he read the comic books yet....when he got notified, existing at all. He is on the Linkedin. You know, I don't know whom are not blocked.....

Like my cousin if she is jealous of me, she has a better parenting, if her father didn't get the divorce, she wants a perfect image, there is a father, there is a mother? 

You jealous of Dean? And from where you have to tell me, how do you get jealous on Dean?


I have a house, you Wing has a house in Japan.

Two house like the Toy Story. What is anything to do with Dean Dean Dean?  I try to understand your tiny mind, tiny height....if they were telling me. Now, Dean is not importing his friends circle. He is looking exactly the same thing like my facebook circle. 

How you are going to create this Toy Story version of...things don't sound exactly they say?

Everything when you seeing the movies, its how you craft a better world story, before they tell you a whatever junk stories? 

You just wish, and hope, and pray, they don't ship you right in Japan to start something new, its every Asian looks just like you? And Taller? You are in your own worlds to make it the popularity. How are you going to make it?

Wing, where is your boss, you really making it in Vanderbelt, like they listing all those human faces? 

And, you are here or not here?


Let me talk to him, that guy looks like Hailey's dad. 

My name is Anna Jao, I am a librarian science of informatics Students in the same University like Wing. We know each other since the undergraduate the first year, the honor program class Chemistry under Dr. T. Since then, me and Wing sometimes talk, and passing by I seeing him at his work place occassionally. 

He went to the pharmacy school, and I gone to the Librairan Science. That is one day my mother told me, if I just want to stay in that bench job in downtown Buffalo the Chromosome lab 30,000 yearls, I told my mother I don't know what to do in my life, so she told me to go to MLS degree, and I got in. I finish the study and got some intern done.

There is a concept Web 2.0 in my time of the MLS, so I did continue my profession, to my assign this TV roles. I was busy, so I never thought what I gonna do next.  it just pop up I decide to do something for the little kid little monk in China. I start in writing to put something in notice I do something. I personally never seen if there is any effect, or knowing the online activties if they are orphan, are using the Internet more and more. Become very much this Digital Era Products after....like polish themselves, clean up themselves, care certain things themselves.

I want to know what Wing its working on his busy life, as you have been noticed, this entire TV or movie monitors are not staying static, meaning the content can be moved or re-modify to a brand new story, and almost immediately if I don't paying attention on my monitor, what content sending in. That is a lot of people's works.

The professional school its not a cooking lunch school degree like the vocational school people. My mother has a condition, she cooks.

I did a lot of Pinterest diagrams, and photo showing my tour to China Expo. Every worlds are building up some technology advancement, to that, the degree of the Brain shouldn't be fallen....and the habitual of the lifestyle can be self improved....the personal life environment, including the 4 limbs momentum.

I would be more prefer they continue their chosen career like you all have design in that school, or curriculum - they must have done something to lasting that far down the road in their career. 

Medicine, or Pharmacy (pharmaceutical )

I hope we can maintain that understanding, the school has a reason to furthur the study ON, not degradation of the humanity, to sunk it the Street Culture, Cat fights to becoming the boxing nights on the casino poker table.

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