
TV has all kinds of things being displays inside TV, but what you really focus on, its everything wrong but to introspect yourself, what that really made for, meant that to. Whichever intention supposed to be, your only goal to Self Realization its always turn inwards, what's wrong with that you yourself, not everyone' else faults there is a story on the TV, whichever that stories sound to you, hurt to you, so you could just go unleash to everyone, its EVERYONE does that to YOU?

The nail polish bother you, the hair bother you, the color of the braid band bothering you.....we are talking about the UB Classmate whom we used to be in the Honor Class together, there are the real Professional Human in the other industry like NSYNC, if in case they are not all that 430 mental saying, exactly copy and paste from whatever they made and said, there is a chance they literally just sound like they talk, not conditioned to saying.....well, let's put side by side to imagine what is the inverted mirror image, really looks like, and feel like to that every pair? you ever thought of that, what the standard are putting into the places, if you just display yourself, everyone will telling you, yourself, what exactly of you.

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