
Try the real system of those whom become the monk or the nun, exactly 2015...right now will be 2023. They will tell you the difference....of how they coming back to the world, of those none-relevence..

You want to go renouce the world 8 long years to come back,....and sign your own crime, this very time, you never regrets, do you? Kneel? Anyway in the temple. 

You have exactly how many groups against you....you want to count? Last one min? 

I write up, they do on purpose on USMLE, or MCAT. Never finish reading that textbook, on purpose they don't read it right, so many things to defer the mind, just like they have every thoughts bothering them, they were not clear. But the TV says clear. 

In the end of the karma....they will remember this day like vaguely someone as if saysing something whispering like their waking up mirror every morning! 

Turn on the light!

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