
These movies....if my ENTIRE worlds are not close up....has to go to England Chamber, or meaning their Congress.

You have to find out certain things, if that Dates of the Future, whichever dates airing on the American UFO Congress, I take it that, they are always constantly show up like my birds on my roof. I don't know which one are worse. They are station everyday outside. Never tired of it ....

You go to the Real Power Elites. The guys that really have the power, not one of those face cards.

You have to decide now, if that fate of England future its with this problem or without this problem. It will be a problem, i just gonna tell you now. 

I have that Tony grown up problem never end...Mimmo has problems. To egoistic talk, and both them cannot get in their ...Italian community to do business. They are not educated to listen well. They are not smart. They both didn't go to college.

If they were more like educated 20 years ago, like you have to survive, and you study it right, pick a right major, and staying on it, for a future that yet to be, etc etc.... I can guess, you give them a freedom within certain parimeter, and that freedom are always being inserted some help, NEVER become that their mother again.

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