
Some people don't blink an eye to do certain things, why don't you just be honest to your parents, you needs a lot of blinking eyes moments, to do ALOT of things your parents hope, and pray you will do it?

Its not an expectation, its an authority voice, or even if you try at it, at all. 

You mean the video below, you want to have her confidence, or you want to have her attitude, or you wish your attitude its like her, you ever thinking its you like this guy, or another guy, you can only pick one guy, really? 

Its pleasant, if you imagine you are a guy? That portrait of a story...what is a main story, side story, the main character, the side character, the envision story, you wish to tell the audience, it doesn't matter what time goes on, whom watching it, its SIDE BY SIDE! 

What does ET saying it so famous resounding the entire Roof might collaps? Ever think of it?

You mean act up? 


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