
So what do I think the Devil Wear Prada? You know...a lot of this Top company, they do their own research.

Guys always get jailed for some reasons, but the girls always get snatch away, I think there are some ingredient like that, when I see things like that. Most guys are very arrogant, not really sitting down to help a girl.

I am rising to the Top, its my own freedom, whom I sent away, they just gone away all by themselves the girls. If they didn't go away, they just sit over there learning the 4 stove cooking until learnt. How many of them anyway....I talking to a wall, one day become the future whomever watching it.

You learn about the stove, you learn about paying attention to the details how you run your own houses, one day you realize, your own house, there is one Eben Pagan, or whichever human might just sit down, eat......with a guy, not without a guy to your own every details that run down house, you need a brand new screw driver on...small tiny things stable assemble. 

You girls naturally don't pay attention to certain things. Some guys are not that attentive....but if you learn how to talk to them, bossing at them, "Learn this stuffs", they might just become a more functional human. 

Then you sent them away, to keep learning the guys without the intimacy all those stuffs....I don't see why a kiss, or a holding hand means a lot of things to why....you define a relationship. If you think its a big deal a big deal a big deal, the guy touching your shoulder.....You tell him in advance.

Life is not you randomly discharge things like you don't need the garbages....at least not that. Find a way to become a more mild person inside and outside. 

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