
oh ~ Taiwan News, she is 82? oh ! China does the martial practice. 我覺得? 我現在在看新聞 ( opinions of views)

In American Congress, there are some politician looks exactly like they say "Politician"

Taiwan Bloodline, I would count as 嫡子嫡女嗎 ?

Meaning it has to be the First Wife, First Born. That one line, to the real bloodline. 

通常人們沒有想過真的自己的工作在哪裡! 我前面說美國國會有那種長的就是像政客的政客 ! 

台灣的血脈是在講嫡子嫡女吧? 第一個正室的直線長子吧? 我不是政治的人,我在工業組那邊,但是做政客要很聰明自己在哪個階段! 你們好像不知道什麼叫做聰明的定義,這是我會講的! 提娜、方方、怡君都不是聰明的女孩子,她們可以有位置,就是跟著電視演的 "正確位置",但是她們並不聰明! 

聰明的定義不是小聰明 ~  你講一朵花 ! 花是什麼意思? 花冠安琪兒~~其實是一樣的道理 !!

我爸那邊其實不是他們那邊,只是純粹軍人下來血脈,講到階級,是高階,所以兒女的這些高階,中國他們一整群政客或是軍事的上面也都是那樣 ...那你們想怎麼樣?

假設我以前小鬼的時候有人跟我說 ....我可能會想不同的事情

但是智商!!! 我是一個女的,就不走政治,那就像奶奶是老師 ! 那就走工業,走科學,走音樂,要真正走出一片天,通常是講男的吧 ?


一個不可能的故事 ...因為緹娜已經結過一次婚了~姑姑也結過婚有一個小孩,如果鴻凱的爸爸跟我姑姑再一起,鴻凱會變成篡位的那一位 ! 我以前淺淺講過一遍吧 ? 類似? 但是因為那個情況是不可能的,所以我很少去討論細節,任何講得廢話! 因為是不可能的! 

這方方也是~姑丈其實並不是這邊血脈之人~方方個工作講正統就是在你失敗你的人生地瞬間,去把姑丈給絞死,戀愛致死! 因為姑丈其實並不重要

懂嗎 ? 


我安娜因為知道事情不可能會發生,我就什麼都不需要說或是做,因為方方是軍眷村的人,姑丈是靠近軍方,是有能能力帶也是那種絞死方方那種,因為我已經說過了 ...真正的國民黨 

Republic Party = Cruel

這種事情就是 ET 在訴說的正統事情~而正統的事情就是= 各自發展



My father's youngest sister's husband = Not important, she is in. He is not. That kinds of connection its, Square goes to kill him off by Romance if Square she is smart. 

There are a lot of things not important, or impossible so I never mention about Annca and Tina.

If Annca's father married to my aunt = Father's youngest sister, Annca will become Acquiring throne over my sister to the line. But its impossible, he is from middle Taiwan. Not Taipei. Its impossible.

That uncle is near the military, in that Square military dorm, its a Military conducting methods of "brought up kids" methods. Its usually associate with one Soilder and Square. 

That soilder usually are married.= The Military Dorms Villege methods. 

But none of you are smart. Not in the head. What is a flower, what is a role, what is everything that TV, ET says it all .....

像說 Hank 他也不重要~ 那個 Frozen 他被丟到哪裡? 因為他根本就是不重要的一個人

Like Hank, you see the Frozen, he is not important, where did he go? Because he is not a significant human, not even an existence require things to do.  He finds his true loves, that is perfect. No matter how hurt that Tina is, Hank its NEVER important, understand? 

That is the true reality.

你們很多人其實都不聰明 = many of you human are not very smart

Nick is pure line, but both his son are not smart, he admits to tell me that. You know what happened to them, because they are not smart? You know what Italian is?

尼克是純血,但是他的兩個兒子都不聰明,他承認跟我說,你們知道他那兩個兒子發生什麼事情因為他們並不聰明? 你們認得什麼是義大利人嗎 ?

As an adult, learn to be smart, don't be a fool, that is what I will tell you.


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