oh ~ I forgot. That is why the air the second time here on my cable? I saw it the second time.
So that is not Dean, that is Prince William? When he was younger?
I can tell you what I think ....in the end of that Century to across, something happened, and that they are the mediocre family. Most royal's IQ are not high. Seriously...But their guards or around them, those people freak out, when the movies starting to show something like Pirates of Caribeans, or Princess Diary, or Ocean, or Prince & Me.
I think they freak out.
The real data I think its in the Police hands.
I think...its if ET says? Their parents are criminals. One is in-home setting, one is international criminal. Tina is a lot like her father. They eat very very spicy food. Heavy taste, and he underwent like 2 operation bad bad bad.
Aria, she was doing something very very very bad in the park.
That is what I will tell you.
If I remember correctly, at that time England has a lawsuit that journalism will stay away from them, for as long as until they become 21?? Which age?
I remember there was a decree something like that. But I started to hear about their news on the internet. No, I am not interested, but I start to hear things about them. Aren't they behind?
American and England are ally. If I were them, I will freak out too. Their Congress.
I got nothing else to gossip on that UB, so I will tell you this....ET is very very wise and smart. Highly intelligent. They know what he wants to become the public validate face cards.
You know that Legally Blonde, how I think Eben set his psycho name on the last name? Those were the computer name. Now....When I telling everyone what happened in 2017, about the Time, I told you, King of Kings this one term on the ancient long long ago past, is = only prosecution of all kinds whom wish to say, they are....kings. That world cannot have anyone, or else they just throw every one faces the first things on the monitors, til that person seen it. It may not be today you will be prosecute, and horrible to die...but ET telling you a story, and me.
That is what I will tell you.
Those kinds of personality, like Prince William and Prince Harry.
I think whom might just know it all what they two really wish to do. I think I know too.
You know one time I read it on the news, he was washing the bathroom, floor....near the toilet. He is so tall, but he crunch himself in it.
They are the people need a lot of faces. A lot of faces. They will never grow wiser, but they just hanging in the jobs, I guess that is what you all meant to say it, both marrying the girls outside the family.
They interprete the curses as the abnormality.
Telepathy means?
They standing right next by you, reading you every thoughts.
Both the human races and the birds. (Animals)
So they never get it wrong. Correct.
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