
I usually don't talk while Eben or nick, or Craig working. That is first 5 weeks. Then Lee or Dean joins? They talk. They are professionally. I only deliver everything else.

Like table where, flowers, brocket, probably dollar store happy birthday one of those happy napkin occassionally. Give you each happy present, its one thing you can go and buy that yourself, or you want me to visit your town, and vacational there 1 month, I tell you every door? 

Does.....your father, no, your entire England knew....

on the news you moving towards West California line? Meaning they hear you go....outside, and you are dump all by yourself on the wildness, California is a wildness? 

You don't have a house butler? From the Palace.

You have to make your own money like the newspaper says? You are not close to your father, or your dad? 


okay, I know what they are saying. Let me asking you, if one day you find out, my entire wall speaking one Mandarin Chinese, one Ancient Chinese Literacy you will NEVER make it....You find out China and Taiwan has real their own Silicon Valley, and they didn't turn damf ear on translating them....meaning the TV = TV.

Its exactly like the TV. Not just like the English sounding to you. Its real, a massive world out there. 

Your senior offices didn't say that, but I think they meant that. 

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