
I think that movie Wing if he fails his GPA Dr T class and continue failing life, not Pharm D, that’s a karma becomes Wing 天翻地覆的捲來

How do you say that in English?

The karma is like a sky fallen the earth ground roar up to come gauging him down. No, it’s his karma. It might be as real as that. His original major was the computer science. 

Like you know the definition of crystal clear in your thought pattern how you spiritual practice ? Like introspection per thoughts?

That’s a thief, a lier, a contempt attitude, to later sent everyone in jail. 

Like someone telling you what they know about 105 class from Dr T. to 251. That severe consequence if he keep failing. I think that’s all movies are saying it.

He doesn’t necessary finding out everything, sad attitude no money to introspect but the court will.  In this one life, no one will demand you, your past karma deed. Today’s legal system it’s they say, “neh”. But I think the movies display a very clear sound on the table with a huge paper works. You cannot see what’s in those paper works. But that’s what’s becoming you this one life.

That’s what they are saying or doing.

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