
I tell you how the business works, its starting from the local, you get to a community to form, and one day you grow that community to the State Level, and then the Federal Worlds.

Meaning the implementation its per cooking class, demo.....can you tell how low I get down the floor, saying 4 stove skills? 

Women is the minority groups, if you have to your statement running right to the government, I can get the funding to just tackle one aspect of their perfect Princess life Ever After....that is 3 meals you cooking home saving money, saving health, you go on your women enpowerment groups, of that Christmas Line, or what Line Groups name on the Apps, saying....

UB Honor Class

UB Sakura Clear Cards



UB Robotics

And on that calendar of that 365 days in a year, you have 5 calendar schedule of your ONE Line Profile photo or 2 photo, you are nervous how many photo you Anna ever had, to looking at it for 2 weeks.....never change that until 2 years alter, the humility running deep, you care your skin tones on the photoshop CS3. 

You put the dress up, the make-up, the hat on, the scaf you storage 20 years, for every year one time showing up Christmas Party That is 5 days of that 365 days you are busy, One Night out...or Lunch out on the weekend.

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