There is a Story about Zawanna on that soccer flower to Kail. That one day I say about Conan. Its a photo. If Zawanna = a Flower.
The reality of the human worlds are the popularity, not the survival arts.
I do these things on the street. Playing my hair, from the back.
There are a lot of things I taught all, its exactly I say, I show, I meant, I sign.
Really...its everything the same.
There is a time, I say, that people running the data outdoor, when you get outside your house. Its everything inside you do = zero.
You are outside, prove it what you do. Isn't that what I say? So there are civilian, some good, some imagine everyone is bad. They take them off the street. But the normal one, they run on something by their seeing.
I tell you a few degree, like thousand dollar bills you spread on the table, that will mean, you exist.
But there are some other groups people checking the food you go buy, and sit, and eat, and body shape figure, how many miles you walk, how often you exercise. It might be governmental, it might be just the street crowd. Part of that has something they finding out your liking, to become, your next landing what you buy ...things, and looking at it.
Consumer appearance, age, dressing, I am a blonde, that = foreigner where do they go, are they on debts, or are they in needed, to proven Vola...I didn't really get that far to care what they do, realy, because the birds are always around....
You don't see what really happen?
But to the routes where I have been, I go near....on purpose. I initiate the conversation. Those things I don't wait to do. They see, they talk, they know whom they pass by....Most people cannot see.
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