
๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ• Do you girls want to decide now, if you wish to be with the guys to make it with the guys, or you make money, and the guys still dump you? ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ•

Because any of you these girls never make it anywhere with your personality with any guys to me. Not really. 

You become lustful in your eye sight to sounds a small tiny voice girls to hide behind the guy softly, I might think it will ever possible you find a right guy willing to be together with you on this Bermuda Triangle cases, I imagine what had really happened legally? 

Once you decide you goal, I believe you will all say money, not the guys.

I will tell you in this worlds, there are guys between some become successful and some are just medium guys in normal household carried works. Their potential are not great. In this world, there are connections, networks, and some guys married into one of those upper class girls' world in order to become, with some of the rights in this groups interests. However, you would not know whom they are, what they do, or what they really had. 

You imagine you are the girls to marrying into one of those fairy tales, when you arrive 40 to say Disney Classic characters to sound like you used to be 20 years old, one of those 17 years old were define the Spring Falls the Flower Blossom. 


Movie: Bride War

Well, you are not really them. They probably never will be friends with any of you, your personality.

When ET putting up a happy face of the reunion of the past, its Not me. Its the story about them. It ended the story about them like middle school. There were 3 people, and there were 2 girls becomes a buddle.

But that story involved a process to which a trajectory of life were set in less carefree. Those salary are not great. Not really.

To compete in the real worlds where the guys populate, you imagine what kinds of the girls you are, to where you meet your next guys as your opponent, those are not very durable, I would say that. If you become the decent girls to be maid one life time, truly lay low, its best for your this life, or the next life after.

Lay low, bow to the guys, of all these authority I Anna personally describe to you, coming all out, no matter how or when you will realize they are everywhere, inside the story frames. The ET shows up the faces on the Project Blue Boxes, it was just a Porslin Doll, not as real as you really seeing their vocabulary.

You understand to that every step we take, you imagine its 20 years, 40 years of the future ending....

Its not Next year....

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