
Detective Conan: Can someone write....ET Blue box are in it. This is = a formula, ET = forgotton memory kid?

ET was asking the police to help him, to protect him.

That is what today Conan says. At least that is what I understand. Project Blue Box.

You break this down.



ET= Kid

I have no idea what this is. Last time, long time ago I told Apple, the real events its, you have to be in a planet, that is reaching the main traffic. You sure you are in where, to where the traffic, you will see "Events invitation."

The TV broadcast only lightly says....

"Hunger Game, Beauty Pegeant, Fitness, Action movie, Detective, Criminal Justice, Finding glue, National.....etc.....etc...."

But what Wing's situation might be Earthly = China Past.

We need ligation and Ally. Meaning....That is the advice for someone else? 

That is a repeated story.

2nd time (and my video on Keanu Reeves + whom got killed)

Memory = a formula, you keep thinking about it, that is one day you will grow up.

Grow old.

I want go to sleep....take a shower, and sleep.

There are a lot of very rudimentary problems in every household. Its really....not saying we keep watching things that is in our real life time, real scenario. You all need your parents, you wish to be the kids, not the parents.

There are people suffering 

There are animal dying

There are many minority issues.

There are guys and girls on the beauty pegeant issue. Finding someone really be together.

etc etc....everything else really not that important. What can I do?

I want to go to sleep.

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