
๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ‡ Being a girl, there are many reserved nature a girl is ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ‡

Independent character like if Jonathon running around....from UB, coming back to your party house, like I used to have an Amherst Manor....Its a big kitchen.

So I prepare Jonathon a meal, and if he scrap his knees right at that Pepsi center, there is a first aid of bandage putting on him. These entire Comic books, or some kinds of story plots, there are girls got hurt, guys got hurt. You think of the romance as to getting the guy's convenience pockets, you don't really like about a guy. When you being with a guy, what is the guy looking for? 

He is looking for a lot of things, one thing might be just without parents phone calls forever, and be next by his bed til he finding a bigger bed, snuggle on the weekend, no stress on the weekend, just two of you.

That is a very very very simple things, anything its to just "two of you.". The funny things about you girls are, you don't really like that guy. Not the touch, not the waist line public display, or holding hands in the public, or kissing in the public, or in the car, or in the shopping isle walking together. You couples are younger too, you could display yourself everywhere....

But there is something you girls are just like that Middleton, its what she did to Prince William on the video.

There is something wrong with you girls. 0:26

Correct, if you do that the first time, I can assure you, the guy will leave you no matter what. Seriously leaving you. Not even look back at you one second linger. He is not interested. That is not what the guy's want.

If Jonathon did what he did, shock me from behind in CADS, oh, I do that to everyone coming from behind me. Not just to Jonathon, he would be on the floor. That is not on purpose. 

Middleton does that a lot....its always on the camera.


So the guys will do?

They keep switching gf until they find out where they can have more close relationship, I told you already what those are. You always pointing your finger at the sex. But I will tell you, even if you arrive to age 40, and you just meant the guy never lay a finger on your, like...how many times a month, or a year....saying that kinds sex, because of the children or what...your entire body its not flexible. You always sleeping on the wrong side of the bed, and you don't tell the guys, and the guy seeing you touching your shoulder, not feeling this not feeling that....I am telling you, he exit his plans long time ago. 


Something about your personality

Guys are needed money, power, fame, and authoratative voice, if he can acquire like that Game of Thrones. They are born like that. Sometimes its a game, and their IQ is very high.  Like if a guy saying something to you, and you repeat what he says, if he speaks too fast, you listen once, twice, and you repeat exactly the things back to him...

I tell you, you have IQ problem, not just the intimacy problems.



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