
Adam Davis, he can just using the exactly same decree, leaving Laura's area, its north Kentucky, going somewhere, far away from this Ella Enchanted.

Not Whitley City, not his Step Father, not his own mother, not his dad....just by himself. He is like that. He needs the solitude going to work, going home, and die on his own bed, he will be happy 100 times. Forever without his brother. 

Every New Environment, you will participate one of this days, how to make an extra money, unless they specific baring you down to the local business center.

To that every feather you see on the Television, as if that is telling you, I wish you well. You are not well. You wish certain lifestyle it will never be one of those. To become one of those, you need a lot of money, and power, and the title of the right jobs. To the girls like you 4, you never make it in any world. You lean on the guys most of time, including your own cooking skills.

To the New world, where you finding your own expense and income going and outing, you will be doing that yourself ALONE! Like I am jealous of you or something? 

So your options of your extra incomes, its just like everyone else in America, doing the right things, like M & T putting a word out, you starting on your business proposal. You taken that they oppress you, that is fine, you are in the new world. They will find you a job, that job will NEVER exceeding any money you will do anything too extra. Its just you breath on it.

They ask you if you want to take a test, you see if you can pass what tests to be in any jobs, that they help you to get on your life. No more Me Anna URL any life, not youtube, not website. You can shut it off, or they will. 

That is the condition I Anna never have to hear a word from ANY OF YOU FOREVER.

Thank God....its my new day of worlds.....

Business World, or the Local Business Center

Its where you will find help, you doing the step, or nothing at all for a year or 2, staying away from the situation and be happy somewhere else.

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