
You Wing and your friends are what? Neighbors?

You know each other, or you used to know each other?

Argues, arguments, quarrels? 

I added something in your Pinterest, so the news says....you want to live in California, to have the car accident in drunk and drinking party to those....more of ABC worlds? 

I don't know if the UB those, if they can one step fallen in China, they bother to jump onto California to do the redundant things.

You like the movie ?

Filming? The filming industry?

okay~ I listen to the news, I added second time Pinterest, 

here what I say, do you want to land in Canada, spent sometimes with nick, 2 weeks? on China Budgets? Whichever existing housing?

And you come back to your dreaming house in California, or China?

You want to go and take that Sariputra human away from his roommate, or he left yet....to when where Nick and you, you organize 3 human to seeing each other, get a feel, if you can roar in the future to be? Or your parents insist, this is 2 sets of human using the same basic template of what I wrote in Chinese?

King of Kings' set of Purna. Not Shakymuni Buddha's Anan? Whichever so difference to me.

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