
You are not actually imagine ....Zawanna or the main character its Kail things from my side?

You look at only your own movie, and structural and ending of that movie? Lovely Bone?

You ever be with a guy for real? Cooking, washing, washing the bathroom, buying the Costco all loads of Tissues or the Target Clothes, or something washing the sheets, the beds sheets, the pillow cases....etc...

Like not imagining you be with a fake guy of the phantom of the opera. The real guy on the physical plane sounds more like a reality? 

I thought i say you start cooking, washing, and not thinking about the Sex ideas, but lowering your head, your voice, your language to talk to the guys?

Smile all the time, be happy seeing them. Happy !!!!!

The guy cared more of happy and stable in life, not drunk every 2 seconds, to carry one activity called Sex? 

Happy means maturity in life. Cooking together, shopping together, talk about the things together, one day there is a thing called Sex? 

Do you ever wonder the IQ of certain guys will be curious how do you learn this seductive games with the guys, if you don't just be happy and smile at them, when you see them, like 16 years ago, last time in UB? They move on their life. We have no more facebook, GOOD BYE!

Being Happy, being responsible, being mature

If a guy fall on the ground bleed, you laugh at the guy? You cold eyes walking pass by that guy, he figure it out how he gets back to his car?

Zawanna and Kail we didn't talk about anything like you all.

Not really. But, what they really are doing its the brain washing of the Central Power. They are doing that, gradually. They have certain mind focus power, I will forget something and those things will become subconscious.

One day they are Christians, one day they are magician, one day they are militant...going back and forth back and forth....my entire life just think they are garbage human does the garbage things none stop. 

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