
Wing, your Pinterest Plan got on-Live. Serenity?!

oh ~ That is why all these things looks so funny and strange! 

I don't remember, I think Wei its my heights too. Just happened to be equal heights. She might be shorter than Karen.

I am shorter than Karen. The birds says Ferrous wife = A Japanese Lawyer, she lives her own apartment. She has or they have 3 kids. 

How about this Wing ( I am just cooking this Bamboo side dishes....)

You have this China or Asia back up India unlimited money to say you get an engagement party, meaning you sent out the invitation, my table for One round them, the girls + Dean and Ferrous, Charlie, and Ferrous wife, and Austin's sister Wendy.

You get the rest of your facebook, to invitie them all as a party host people.

That is how you spent the Wall Street money. You never met them, you never talked to them, its not you could just make an enemy or enemicity at someone you don't even know

Where is your own facebook, these unexceptional Zed, or all the faces, we all girls can just look at it. You just meant I Anna finding all the girls to be invited, and sent them invitation as long as you open your mouth? That is convenience. Do you believe the girls just lie to me Anna what they saw? Like we bearly know each other, we are that useless..... 

My mother says that Ferrous's wifes is a Korean. Sorry, not Japanese. She is a Korean.

Or its time you pay all of them to go to this Taiwan ABC Cooking 101 studio, you do an examination right at them, in front of them, looking at them.

Wing, how do you suppose to do things, Anna be the bad guys? You live for one life regrets, that is how you plan things? 

Wing, when you get some support from several indicator people's faces, you give this support back to some people, minority like the girls, like those they are less than you are. You know what you do this...its everyone oweing to you, how you should be discipline, but you will be 40, there is no time you doing this just you want to live alone, and making that paycheck, continuously? 

I am not sure its the evaluation how the China given you the housing, or given you some supports, so that you shape up? Its with your design, or with India saying on that allowance, where you put your housing design plan?

They having people talking to you, with Karen, or talking to you only?

Me would be me and Eben right there. Do you want to hire one of this bimbo, just an air tickets, trying out something confrontational?

Tina's year 櫻桃小丸子

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