
Those mentality I suffer so long, I don't breath I can still seeing it, how kidnapping make him so proud, he has no other ways, except he insists his way.

You Wing wish to go and poking walls, that every time, becomes a....Yes. Life on a waitor's job, your paycheck its digits per two weeks, and you have to be righterous, not on the police reports, saying the next landing jobs on the correct order if you are or you are not those saying you keep taken the repeat exams.

You want to start a right script this time with your parents, saying it out loud, Called Dr. T

"I have a vow, I rather all dead, not them taken my stuffs, I am like that. I am gamble I will succeed. I actually believe that I have every options, so its the TV options I choose. That Queen. I rather go beyond the step of that Ms Congenality to glow that China Big Domain, not Hong Kong, I think I worth a lot more, exactly how Anna portraits all things, I feeling exactly where her place is. I know you don't trust me. I hope you will trust me on this one. I have a feeling. I really feel it. That feeling I just need to make it, I can become. No one else, but I can. I want that. "

"I remember what Anna says to Ola. Its when we suffered the most, and especially the time I just like this now ....I have a gut feeling, they really needed me. The TV image, not all people are becoming like that. They have to trust me. You have to trust me. Its me. Its me. Its me.. Its Hong Kong. Not Taiwan."

"I want certain things, like I really need to have those image beyond UB. Those bigger grander ideas of the life without you all poor faces to yellow degree of....wearing no make-up. This is whom I am. I am like that. I don't need any of you because....to be honest, I grew up in America. That is what they need. Not you all."

"I know you exist, okay? But I need you to go away. Might be very soon. You all bothering me for as long as I live. When I acquire that New Life, could be any day.....I rather choose that new life, and never you were to me."

"Anna is betting on Eben, she lies her bank account, no one can see those numbers digits, and what for? Those money in 25 years cannot save a dime in where she lives? how long can she last anyway? You really believing it, she will do what she meant it, survive on the street No matter what? She is a girl, she got raped! Those language you don't hear, its exactly what they are Asian. The street crime. I know all that! " 

"I have dreams and hope, only I be the only supported. None of them knowing that! You see, none! They need to see me!!! I am right here on that Map!!! Can you see? I have that feeling just growing strong and wider....to all things Anna can imagine on her Pinterest, why cannot I deliver what I plan on this? You ever asked me how I will plan on deliver all I promise you here? Ask me, and support me! "

"I really don't think the spirituality and the lawful degree what the right match each other. What now China meditate now, they are Christian church becomes the Bell sounds, that is what Anna says, the spiritual people its when I ask them, they die for me, to gain that correct merits, you believe that? That is how to use Anna for, just ask her, she gives all to me, so I succeed. That is what they practice things for. You know what they look like right?"

"I only need to succeed all that Anna paint walls those Righterous Place. They have the image, they have the saying, they just put me starting on the next perfect Jobs. Its a perfect Face Cards Jobs on Prince Image or the Throne....any of those ideas, they will have to train me no matter what. I have the feeling. If they don't train me now, there is no future existence to why they bother having us on TV? To see how our height degrade to our mouth or attitude? I am like that, okay? You have to live on that, and I will threaten you clearly. I want you all get out of my way the moment I take off for that new jobs. "

"You know how the degree of language to perfect....sense of that accent? I deliver well, I know that is the jobs. I am feeling many times, life is grander than current miserable life to bend my back to people like you. I really contempt people like you so lowly on making yourself so low, never get up your faces to greet people or trash people.....Like Anna's attitude. Threatening, its that new life they make me, I will becoming more of that....its the game. Its the New Direction for people. Me Alone! They have to make of something."

Anna says to Austin ADD

"You know why I laugh so hard.....you practice this with your mom? How is she listening to this? Does she ever ask you, do you deep down believing that? and you say?

You didn't lose your breath say, or you lose every breath says? 

You see, you have an ADD Austin, meaning your mother only wish you to be happy, you can live comfortable by working gradually how she helps you to set up in China. My brother having the same attitude like you. But you Austin ADD suffered a lot. Just about any degree of poking you feel you got hurt. Maybe not this statement, but you have this internal thoughts and external language really becomes a realize karmic saying, you feel scared. Are you? "

"How about you just do what I tell you do to as the ADD. Write it down everything that bothers you, because you are ADD, you feel pain, you feel every degree you want to hit someone faces, if someone does those things to you. Your mother will listen."

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