
There is a reason I am going somewhere, to dress up...not just for the talk. The temperature now...34.

There are the places I gonna show you, they coming out after 5 oclock. On the street vendor, or they comes out later.

The Eastern Area. The outdoor. I often staying outdoor...there are underground store, but they don't open that much, right now are the weekdays?

๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’– You all have more creativity on the luxury malls. Yeah, but I know where they are. The things I collects only to my liking in my budgets uses, so I show you tunnels, lanes, roads, intersection, RUN RUN RUN?

๐Ÿ’– Sometimes life has a thing you like to do, like breathing the air outdoors? 

๐Ÿ’– Looking at the sky, where the birds follows? Do you see how fast they fly? Do you know what they really do? Like they look like they didn't hear me, I called them says "Let's go." They will get ready. They always get ready before me happened to get there. But then when I arrive the first floor, I still need to called them?

They FLYING fast down, its not physical seen....to one of those small tiny fit things on me, on my hair, or in my bags. I think that is what they do. There are something like that I will find out one of these days. 

Time to go.

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