
Products can have lecture (legal), software like Simpleology (legal, subscription base Radio Siris or Newsletter (legal)

Like I used to do the membership video website, those are legal. 


And what Wallace naked to do with Wing?


Like Wing and …me or you? The dress code? 


Let me ask you something, do you know whom Wing is in the physics lab Jonathon, Hira, me and Fatima at? So does Wing end up on your Ola’s facebook? So which of the following photo I eats at Wings table we used to do that often in UB? The same Cafeteria? Dean and Fatima and the rest Jonas Justin we eat the same cafeteria in 251? Except we eat at 105?

Photo if side by side … like this one video, what’s wrong with it? Is that my hair? 

Do you know if Wing made it or he lied? So he becomes as a professional and I have a professional title.

We both look at these photo and look at each other ?

You want to say Jonathon or do you know whom Jonathon is, do you hang out? I didn’t see you around Ola’s you are at Mat? Wing or Jonathon?


You are one person alone Facebook or something, you can just tell Mat to act you what you care that me and Lee at video. You film yourself a decent video and sent to Mat. That’s how the girl die.

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