
中華 or 華夏文民 ...孔孟教理是在戰國時代之後,"各門派"....Well, 你不能真的那樣子說因為,在定義之下,孔孟教理並不是歸納在道教,老子思想

所謂老子,是其說 Taoist, the Tao. 

你們想翻譯嗎 ?

Let me try how to translate this things

China or " Before Simon....That Dynasty ina Civilization" = meaning us.....Confusious or Second Ranking of that after that Warring Periods of all Strategic Lineages...."Each lineage denoumination"....well, you cannot really saying that because, for the definition, the Confucious or Second Ranking Teaching are not the overal points to put under the Taoist, which is Old Man that Man's thinking. called 老子

他的教理就是我的藝術畫的那些英文 =  his teaching are one of those my arts glow to go, those English words.

What are you talking about? Magic!

你們到底在說什麼? 魔法

 I show you



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